Wall telephone used on the S.T. and C. (late Western Electric Co.) Companies Rotary exchanges at Darlington (October 2014) and Dudley (September 2016).

All the components were located within the steel casing of the telephone.

Mark 234 - Western Electric Co. - Used on Darlington Exchange (used Dial No. 5).

Mark 235 - Western Electric Co. - Used on Dudley Exchange (used Dial No. 6).

Some of the information here was taken from Diagram N165, the original dated 1918 and the issue 2, dated 1919.

The Issue 2 diagram shows the Mark 235 set with a Dial No. 6.

This phone could also be used as an X or Y subscriber on two party line working.

Superseded by the Telephone No. 121W.

The equivalent table set is the Telephone No. 76.

This telephone could still be found in the GPO Stores Catalogue dated 1928.

Telephone included (1928):-
Please refer to table below

Item Mark 234 (Diagram A.T. 317.) Mark 235 (Diagram A.T. 319.)
Bell No. 1A, unmounted, with bias spring 1 1
Coils, Induction No. 4 or No. 14 1 1
Condensers, M.C. No. 3 or No 30 1 1
Cords, Instrument No. 116 4 2
Cords, Instrument No. 222 waterproof 1 1
Dials, Automatic No. 5 1 -
Dials, Automatic No. 6 or No. 8FW - 1
Hook, Receiver F 1 1
Switches, Receiver No. 2 1 1
Receiver, Bell No. 1 1 1
Transmitter No. 1 1 1

To be requisitioned separately when required:-
1 x Desk No. 4.

Circuit Diagram - N165 (Mark 235 - Dated 1918).

Circuit Diagrams - A.T. 317 and A.T. 319


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Last revised: October 16, 2023