L.B. Pedestal Telephone

Introduced around 1911, this Local Battery Pedestal (Candlestick) telephone, with no dial aperture, was used on CBS and Magneto exchanges.  It was used in conjunction with a Generator No. 4CN.

This telephone was also known as the "Telephone, Table, P.B., Transmitter Type", but later renamed as the Telephone No. 4.

CBS No. 1 - Table telephone if used with Bellset No. 5.
CBS No's 2 & 3 - Table telephone if used with Bellset No. 15.
Magneto (Condensered and Non-condensered) table telephone if used with Bellset No. 5 and Generator.

Originally fitted with Transmitter No. 2 and Transmitter, Insert No. 3.  This transmitter could be rotated, to stop the carbon granules from packing.  Packing greatly impaired transmission and was a well known fault with fixed transmitters.

The Transmitter No. 2 would have Label No. 78 fitted between the speaking tube and the transmitter body.  This label advised of the Exchange name and number.

The switch hook consists of two change-over type contact sets. 

There was also a Telephone No. 4A that was used on Phonogram and Telephone-telegram circuits.  This had a plug ended (Plug No. 401 or 404 or 406) 4 wire line cord fitted, instead of a screw type block terminal with a six wire connecting cord.

This was the standard telephone instrument arranged for standing upon a table.  Since this telephone is simply a transmitter, a receiver, and a gravity switch, the instrument is not complete, and a separate  hand generator is provided, usually fixed to the desk or table in close proximity to the table telephone; the induction coil and magneto bell, with the condenser (should one be required), are fitted in a case and are known as a Bell Set.

The bell set for use with the telephone is Bell Set No. 5, if the condenser is not necessary, and Bell Set No. 15 if a condenser is required.  The bell set need not be fitted close to the telephone so long as it is within audible distance of it.  The primary battery is placed in a battery box and fitted close to the bell set to which it is connected.

The Gravity switch is a new design where the contact springs are operated by an Ebonite rod.  This ensures that the receiver hook is insulated from the line, in case of a high voltage contact between external overhead cables.

The switch hook springs consist of a make and a changeover contact set.

The telephone could also be fitted with a Watch Receiver and this would hang on a Hook, Receiver D, which would be fitted10015

 to the neck, under the transmitter.

There are a number of revisions to this telephone (Marks 234 to 236).  The Mark 236 is fitted with a Transmitter No. 22.

Early table telephones were connected to the internal wiring with a Strip, Flexible Cord Connection.  Click here for more information.

Uses a Label No. 78 or 160 for dialling instructions and number presentation.

Superseded by the Telephone No. 156.

Telephone includes (1928):-
2 x Cord, Instrument No. 116.
1 x Cord, Instrument No. 222.
1 x Cord, Instrument No. 605.
1 x Hook, Receiver F.
1 x Strip, Flexible Cord Connection, 6-terminal.
1 x Transmitter No. 2.
1 x Receiver, Bell No. 1A

To be requisitioned separately if required:-
Label No. 78, or 78C, or 78D.

Telephone includes (1946):-
1 x Block, Terminal No. 20/8, Black.
1 x Dial, Automatic, Dummy No. 4.
1 x Hook, Receiver F.
2 x Cord, Instrument No. 1/16E, Black, 12".
1 x Receiver, Bell No. 1A.
1 x Transmitter No. 22.
1 x Cords, Instrument No. 2/22B, Brown, 33".
1 x Cords, Instrument No. 6/08A, Brown, 72".

Circuit diagrams - EC1065 (Dated 1917) and N104.

Diagram - CBS 265 (CBS 1 and Magneto - Non condensered).
Diagram - CBS 590 (CBS Nos. 2 & 3 and Magneto - Condensered).

Drawings - 10015, 9544 & 62901 (Mark 235 dated 1911).

Specification - D202.

Made obsolete in 1947 and superseded by Telephone No. 156LB in 1936.

When fitted with a Transmitter No. 2 the exchange number label is a Label No. 78.

See also the Telephone Efficiency Committees Report on Local Battery Area telephones.

Click here for pictures of a Candlestick before refurbishment

Click here for Candlestick construction and how to dismantle the phone

Candlestick construction

Candlestick Manufacturing (Messrs Keitmann)

Collectors Information - what to look for

Telephone mouthpiece sanitisers

Terminal Markings

6   1
3   5
R   T




Telephone No. 4 Diagram paster
Mark 236

Telephone No. 4 Mark 236


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Last revised: July 02, 2024