STC joined other manufactures who presented prototype "Boudoir type" telephones in response to a brief from the GPO and the Council for Industrial Design for evaluation under SCP201

STC produced a number of phones called the Fairyphone, but the final design was decided (adopted by the the GPO who called it the Trimphone) it did not resemble the any of the initial phones STC presented.  STC opted to call the phones they sold privately, for public network use, the Deltaphone and for internal use the phone was called the Deltaline.

It was winner of Design Centre Award in 1966.

Designed by Martyn Rowlands the Deltaphone or 'Trimphone' came in 3 colour combinations (Grey-White, Two-tone Blue and Grey Green) although later a wider range of fashion colours was introduced.

Its distinctive design and ring-tone (a 'tone caller' instead of a bell) made it a popular product which remained in production into the 1980s.

It was produced with an ABS plastic body and handset, with polycarbonate switching bars and dial finger plates.

Introduced in 1965.


  • Length: 21cm
  • Height: 11cm
  • Width: 10.5cm

Deltaphone in blue
Held by the Victoria and Albert museum


Deltaphone with packaging
Held by the Victoria and Albert museum



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Last revised: October 11, 2023