An extract from
April, 1932
13. Labels for Subscribers' Telephones
It is necessary to provide a means of permanently recording the exchange
name and number and certain essential directions in regard to the use of the
telephone. The provision made in this respect varies with the exchange
system and the type of telephone. It comprises at present, in general,
(1(a)) a circular Aluminium label clamped to the front of the transmitter on
the pillar pedestal type of telephone or (1(b)) a label fitted in the dummy
dial on the convertible pyramid pedestal type of table telephone (2) a label
fitted to the dial on telephones in automatic Non-Director exchange areas
and (3) a combination of the foregoing two methods (1(a)) and (2) in
automatic Director exchange areas. The recent standardisation, however, of a
modified dial label of larger dimensions than those of the dial labels
hitherto used, details regarding which are given in paragraphs 15-19, will
enable the method prevailing in automatic Non-Director exchange areas to he
adopted in automatic Director exchange areas also and the practice of
fitting transmitter labels in the latter class of area will ultimately
14. The various types of label available are illustrated by Figures 1 and 1A
and the use for which they are intended is shown on the appended schedule.
Information is also given on Schedule N. 1462 in the Loose Leaf diagram
series regarding the type of label to he fitted on subscribers' telephones
in connection with each type of standard installation.
Label No. |
Description |
Specific Use |
Remarks |
43 |
Aluminium Instruction and Number label for
front of Transmitter No. 1 on C.B. table telephones; includes
paper dummy. |
On Telephones No. 2, 10, 121 C.B.
and 150 C.B. fitted on exchange and extension lines in C.B.
areas. |
43A |
Aluminium Instruction and Number label for
front of Transmitter No. 1 on C.B. table telephones; includes
paper dummy. |
On Telephones No. 115, 115A and 131
C.B. fitted in call offices in C.B. areas. |
43B |
Aluminium Instruction and Number label for
front of Transmitter No. 1 on C.B. table telephones; includes
paper dummy. |
On Telephone No. 154 (with
Transmitter No. 1) fitted on private wires. |
43C |
Aluminium Instruction and Number label for
front of Transmitter No. 1 on C.B. table telephones; does not
include paper dummy. |
On Telephones No. 121L, 150L and
156 (with Transmitter No. 1), equipped with Dials, Automatic No.
10 LA and Labels No. 138A, fitted on exchange and extension
lines in automatic (Director) areas. |
"Disc, Paper for Label No. 43C" to be ordered
separately |
78 |
Aluminium Instruction and Number label for
front of Transmitter No. 2 on L.B. table telephones; includes
paper dummy. |
On Telephone No. 4 fitted on
exchange and extension lines in C.B.S. areas and on Telephone
No. 154 (with Transmitter No. 2) similarly fitted in C.B. and
C.B.S areas. |
78D |
Aluminium Instruction and Number label for
front of Transmitter No. 2 on L.B. table telephones; includes
paper dummy. |
On Telephones No 3, 4, 11 and 154 (with Transmitter No. 2) fitted on Private
78E |
Aluminium Instruction and Number label for
front of Transmitter No. 2 on L.B. table telephones; does not
include paper dummy. |
On Telephone No. 156 (with
Transmitter No. 2) equipped with Dials Automatic No. 10 LA and
Labels. No. 138A on exchange and extension lines in automatic
(Director) areas. |
78F |
Aluminium Instruction and Number label for
front of Transmitter No. 2 on L.B. table telephones; includes
paper dummy. |
On Telephones Nos. 3, 4 and 11
fitted on exchange and extension lines in Magneto areas. |
138A |
Paper Disc. Instruction and exchange Number
label for Dials, Automatic No. 10 LA Mark Nos. 234, 235 and
235A. |
On telephones No. 121L, 150L and
156 equipped with Dials, Automatic No. 10 LA Mark Nos. 234, 235,
and 235A, and Labels No. 43C, fitted on exchange and extension
lines in automatic (Director) areas. |
Superseded Label No. 160A. |
138B |
Paper Disc. Instruction and exchange Number
label for Dials, Automatic No. 8 and No. 10 Mark Nos. 234, 235
and 235A and 9 and 11 Mark No. 234. |
On Telephones No. 105 and 121
equipped with Dials, Automatic No. 8 and Telephones No. 121,
121B, 121S, 121W, 150, 150B, 150S, 150W, and 156 (with
Transmitter No. 1) equipped with Dials, Automatic, No. 10, FA,
FS and FW, Mark Nos. 234, 235 and 235A, fitted out exchange and
extension lines in automatic (Non-Director Areas and on
Telephones No. 119 equipped with Automatic No. 9 and Telephones
No. 123 and 123A equipped with Dials, Automatic No. 11, FA, FS
and FW, Mark No. 234, in automatic (Non-Director) areas, or
equipped with Dials, Automatic No. 11 LA, Mark No. 234 in
Automatic (Director) areas. |
Superseded Label No. 160B. |
159A |
Paper Disc. Instruction and exchange Number
label for Dials, Automatic, Dummy, No. 1. |
On telephones 162 C.B. fitted on
exchange and extension lines in C.B. and C.B.S. Nos. 2 and 3
areas and on Telephones No. 190
fitted on exchange and extension lines in C.B.S. No. 1 areas. |
159B |
Paper Disc. Instruction and exchange Number
label for Dials, Automatic, Dummy, No. 1. |
On Telephones No. 162 C.B. fitted
on exchange and extension lines in Magneto areas (Magneto Call
and clear system). |
159C |
Paper Disc. Instruction and exchange Number
label for Dials, Automatic, Dummy, No. 1. |
On Telephones No. 190 fitted on
exchange and extension lines in Magneto areas. (Magneto call
Auto-clear systems). |
160A |
Paper Disc. Instruction and exchange Number
label for Dials, Automatic No. 10 LA Mark Nos. 236 and 236A. |
On Telephones No. 121L, 150L, 156
and 1621, equipped with Dials, Automatic No. 10 LA, Mark Nos.
236 and 236A, fitted on exchange and extension lines in
automatic (Director) areas. |
Supersedes Label No. 138A. |
160B |
Paper Disc. Instruction and exchange Number
label for Dials, Automatic Nos. 10, Mark Nos. 236 and 236A and
11 Mark No. 235. |
On Telephones No. 121, 121 B, 121S,
121W, 150, 150B, 150S, 150W, 156 (with Transmitter No. 1) 162F,
162S and 162W equipped with Dials, Automatic No. 10 FA, FS and
FW, Mark Nos. 236 and 236A, fitted on exchange and extension
lines in automatic (Non-Director) areas and on Telephones No.
123, 123A and 131 equipped with Dials Automatic No. 11 FA and
FW, Mark No. 235, in Automatic (Non-Director) areas or equipped
with Dials, Automatic No. 11 LA, Mark No. 235 in automatic
(Director) areas. |
Supersedes Label No. 138B. |
160C |
Paper Disc. Instruction and exchange Number
label for Dials, Automatic, Dummy, No. 4. |
On Telephone No. 4 (Mark 236)
fitted on exchange and extension lines in Magneto areas. |
160D |
Paper Disc. Instruction and exchange Number
label for Dials, Automatic, Dummy, No. 3 and 4. |
On Telephone No. 4 (Mark 236),
fitted on exchange and extension lines in C.B.S. areas and on
Telephones No. 150 C.B., 162 C.B. and 182 C.B. fitted on
exchange and extensions in Manual (C.B.) areas. (with
Transmitter No. 2) similarly fitted in C.B. and C.B.S areas. |
160E |
Paper Disc. Instruction and exchange Number
label for Dials, Automatic No. 10 LA Mark Nos. 236 and 236A. |
On wall or table telephones fitted
on Official P.A.B.X. extensions. |
Disc, Paper for Label No. 43C |
White glazed paper disc |
To be placed behind Label No. 43C
to carry exchange name and number. |
Disc, Paper for Label No. 78E |
White glazed paper disc |
To be placed behind Label No. 78E
to carry exchange name and number. |
15. Labels Nos. 138A and 138B (and their frames) arc no longer standard and
will be superseded respectively by Labels Nos. 160A and 160B which are
larger and are fitted in larger frames. The latter labels will be fitted to
future issues of Dials, Automatic Nos. 10 and 11.
16. Labels Nos. 138A and 138B are not interchangeable with Labels No. 160A
and 160B and should be maintained on dials already in use until the dials
are recovered.
17. Labels Nos. 160C, 160D, and 160E, see figure 1A, are also available.
Their use is indicated in the schedule included in paragraph 14.
18. The use of Label 160A on the dial will render the fitting of Label No.
43C on the transmitter unnecessary.
19. No local marking is necessary on Labels No. 138A, but on Labels Nos. 43,
43A, 430, 78, 78C, 78E, 138B, 159A, 159B, 159C, 160A, 160B, 160C, 160D and
160E the Main exchange name and exchange line Directory number and, in the
ease of extensions connected to a P.M.B.X. or a P.A.B.X., the number of the
extension in addition should be recorded. Further, if direct night service
is available at the P.M.B.X. or P.A.B.X. extension station, Labels Nos.
160A, 160B, 1600, 1601) and 160E should also bear the night service exchange
line Directory number.
20. In automatic Director areas, exchange names, when inserted on telephone
labels, should agree with the names as printed in the Telephone Directory,
i.e., with the first three letters in capitals and the remaining letters in
ordinary small type. The abbreviations which appear in the Directory, on
account of space restrictions, should not, however, be reproduced on
telephone labels. On labels which are fitted on extension telephones, the
abbreviation ExTN. denoting the extension circuit number should be inserted
in capitals with the initial letter larger than the remaining three letters
and all the letters should be in bolder type than the letters of the
exchange name.
21. In manual and automatic Non-Director areas the letters of exchange
names, when inserted on labels associated with telephones fitted on exchange
lines without extensions and at Main Stations on exchange lines with
extensions should appear in capitals of uniform size. On labels which are
fitted on extension telephones, all the letters in the exchange name and in
the abbreviation ExTN. should also appear in capitals but with the initial
letters larger than the remaining letters and the letters ExTN. should be in
bolder type than the letters of the exchange name.
22. Typical examples of printing, as specified in paragraphs 20 and 21 for
use on the paper discs used with Labels Nos. 43... and 78... and on Labels
Nos. 138B, 159A, 159B, 159C, 160A, 160B, 160C, 160D and 160E are shown by
Figure 2. The examples of printing should be strictly followed and the
position of the circuit numbers relative to the exchange name and the
abbreviation EXTN. should be strictly observed. Specimens of the arrangement
of letters on paper discs and labels proper to each class of manual and
automatic exchange area appear among the typical examples.
23. The name of the exchange should always be printed on Labels Nos. 138B,
159A, 159B, 159C, 160A, 160B, 160C, 160D and 160E and on the paper discs
associated with Labels No. 43C, No. 78E and No. 78F. When supplies of any of
these printed labels arc required quantities of not less than 500 should be
demanded, any surplus over immediate requirements being retained for future
24. The necessary arrangements for printing will be made by the Controller,
Stores Department. Information regarding the printing required should be
given on an engraving schedule accompanying the requisition.
25. The insertion of exchange line numbers or exchange line and extension
numbers on transmitter and dial labels should be carried out neatly and
legibly, conforming in style as nearly as possible to that shown on the
typical examples, and this work should, whenever possible, he done in the
Sectional Engineer's Office by a competent officer. Indian ink should be
used for the insertion of details in manuscript, or, if other means, e.g. an
adjustable rubber stamp, a stamping machine or a stencil etc., are employed
the printing medium should be of a suitable character. The insertion of the
details in question should not be left to workmen as part of the job of
installing apparatus.
26. Where it is the practice to use a "Machine, Small, Hand Numbering" to
stamp subscribers' numbers on Discs, Paper, for Labels No. 43. . . .
arrangements should be made to use it template such as is shown by Figure 3,
which is a reproduction of Diagram E.C. 1224. As the numbering
machines vary in shape and it is therefore not practicable to provide a
standard template, the item should be made locally to suit the machine in
use. It should be cut from a piece of sheet lead and be suitably mounted on
a wooden base. 'The special template is necessary in order to avoid the
difficulty experienced generally of stamping the numbers in the correct
position on the paper discs.
Figure 1
Telephone Labels
Figure 2
Examples of printing on Disc, Paper for Labels 43 and 78
Figure 1A
Type of Dial Labels