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Most UK telephone equipment can be identified by the manufacturers codes stamped on them. All British Post Office equipment is marked in some way and these markings greatly assist in identification and dating. Even small components are generally marked and these markings will ascertain whether the whole item is in fact genuine. Always look
inside the phone - they should have a diagram inside which may indicate the
manufacturer or model number. In the picture to the right it is in a slightly different format with No. 162F being the telephone number and the S-32 meaning it was made by Siemens in 1932. Another example would be the marking 1/232L S55 and this would be a Telephone No. 1/232L, made by Siemens in 1955. The numbers 234 and 235 are occasionally shown. These are Mark numbers and is how the GPO designated updates; 234 being the Mark 1, 235 being the Mark 2 etc. Click here for more information Click here for the manufacturers code list. On wooden apparatus and Candlestick telephones you may find a number crossed out and another number stamped on. Later equipment may have a plastic sticker, with the description on, covering the old description. This is where the apparatus went back to the GPO factory for repair or was made into a different item. i.e. No. 150 crossed out and No. 156 stamped next to it. On Candlestick telephones the number is on the transmitter support, on wall telephones stamped on the back, on 100 & 200 Bakelite telephones on the base and with 300 types the model number is on the base plate and also printed on the internal chassis - between the bell gongs. Inside the phone you should find a circuit diagram that will confirm the number on the telephone base. GPO telephone N circuit diagrams are always the telephone number plus 100 i.e. Telephone No. 232 is diagram N332. There will almost certainly be a blue stamp near these markings and this would be the GPO
quality assurance stamp. Sometimes these are stamped on a white painted area (the paint
covers old stampings). AEP ATE & ATM British Ericsson (ETL) Inside the case there should be a diagram and these are numbered and start with the letter N as well. These diagram numbers DO NOT represent the model or part number and are the diagram number only. In the Ericsson telephone list you will find that many diagram numbers of the "N" series can be cross referenced as an aid to identification. Check the case for an ETL marking on the rear. GEC GEC circuit diagrams are prefixed with KS. Circuit diagram numbers DO NOT represent the model part number.
Siemens Bothers Inside there should be a diagram and the diagram with show both the model
number and the circuit diagram number. The circuit diagram number will be prefixed
with the letter T. Early Siemens Brothers equipment will have a model
number prefixed with the letter Q. TMC
Want to find a telephone but are completely confused - then follow this link. Collectors information on all old GPO telephones Click here |
Last revised: December 24, 2024FM |