gec.gif (1164 bytes)GEC K7825


(With Induction Coil)
The Hunningscone-Deckert Wall Telephone on Backboard

Consisting of a K 7820 Telephone mounted on a Solid Polished Walnut Backboard, with Battery Box containing three No. 3 C.E.C. Dry Dells.

Very easily fitted and connected up as it is simply necessary to run two wires between the Stations and connect t hem on to the Terminals L and E.

Price in 1908 was £2.5.0

Taken from the GEC Telephone Catalogue, K Section, 10th Edition, 1908


Battery Call Telephone

As K7820 but fitted on a back board.

Fitted with Hunningscone-Deckert transmitter.

This instrument is constructed of polished walnut and the finish of all external metal work is oxidised.

Cost in 1916 was £2.2.6
Cost in 1928 was £3.1.9
Cost in 1935 was £2.7.6

Later version had a carbon granule transmitter and the terminals were internal.

Wall pattern battery call telephone, comprising K 7670 carbon granule transmitter, K 7630 'Watch' pattern double-pole receiver, K 7728 induction coil, automatic switch hook, ringing key and 25 ohm bell on tail piece.

Weight, 3 lbs. 8 ozs.

Dimensions, l0 x 7 x 5 ins.

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Last revised: February 05, 2011