C.B. Intercommunication Telephones
CALL AND REPLY (Loudspeaker System)
N1595A Type

The call and reply telephone for the loudspeaker intercom system is similar to the N1112A type described overleaf, and is used under similar conditions, except that it can only be connected to a loudspeaker master station.

The arrangement for a typical system is indicated in the diagram.

Either master station or both, can have call and reply side stations, as necessitated by the local conditions, and there is nothing to prevent all the side stations in the system being of the call and reply type, if intercommunication is not desired.

To make a call, the handset is lifted and the non-locking push button is pressed to operate a buzzer and give a visual signal at the master station.

An incoming call is indicated by a buzzer in the call and reply telephone and is answered by lifting the micro-telephone.

The main difference between this instrument and the N1112A type is in the push button mechanism and the number of external wires. The constructional details and moulded casings are identical.

Dimensions ins (excluding h.m.t.) 6.2 x 7.5 x 4.9 (157 x 189 x 124 mm.)

Total weight : 4.5 lb. (2.043 kg.)

Colours black or ivory.

Taken from the Ericsson catalogue, edition No. 49

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Last revised: October 03, 2019