TELEPHONE No's N1096 & N1433

n1089.jpg (9614 bytes) n1433a.jpg (6808 bytes)
Type N1096A Type N1433A

These are companion sets to the table telephones N1025 & N1386, being of 1000 ohm loop type and available in the same range of colours.

Their construction and shape, excepting the handset, conform with our original design introduced for telephones N1073/N1422 (P.O. Type 321).

The handset, more deeply curved than before, incorporates a rocking-armature inset receiver which, together with a new type of anti-side-tone induction coil having a closed-iron circuit, provides for higher-than-ever transmission efficiency.

The components are mounted on a die-cast metal backplate supported on rubber feet through which the telephone is fixed to the wall. The case hooks on to the top of the backplate and is fastened by a captive screw at the bottom. When this is released, the case can be lifted and swung down on a woven fabric suspension, leaving the equipment exposed.

The external wires enter through a hole in the backplate and terminate at screw connections.

Internal wires and cord conductors are insulated with p.v.c., the cord also having a close-braided cover.

Telephones for the tropics have special finishes and, for auto., a dustproof dial.

Unless otherwise ordered, dials have standard numbering and impulse ratios.

Cradle switch springsets are operated by a roller-plunger movement, as in the table telephone.

Orders should quote Type No. and appropriate colour reference letter from the following list. Example N1096A(a).


Ref   Cords
(a) Black, with stainless steel dial finger-plate   Black
(b) Ivory, with stainless steel dial finger-plate   Maroon
(c) Imperial red throughout   Maroon
(d) Colonial blue throughout   Silver grey
(e) Topaz yellow throughout   Green
(f) Silver sage throughout   Silver grey
(g) Forest green throughout   Green


Case   Handset and Dial Finger-Plate   Cords
(h) Aircraft grey-green   Forest green   Green
(j) French grey   Elephant grey   Silver grey
(k) Blush ivory   Maroon   Maroon

A stainless steel dial finger-plate, instead of coloured plastic, can be provided for any telephone.

Dial dummies of C.B. telephones are coloured to match handset.

Similar telephones with push buttons can be supplied for extension, etc., schemes.

Type No.   Telephone   Dimensions   Weight lb.
N1096A   Auto   12 in. x 10 in. x 71 in. (305 x 254 x 190 mm.)   5 (2.27)
N1433A   C.B.   12 in. x 10 in. x 71 in. (305 x 254 x 190 mm.)   4.6 (2.10)

Taken from the Ericsson Catalogue No. 55

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Last revised: October 02, 2019