GPO Dial Labels

The pictures below are shown with documentation dates which may or may not line up with the first date of use.
Click here for date information

1932 - Documentation date


1932 - Documentation date

Label No. 138 - Used on Dials No. 10 with small label holder


1932 - Documentation date

Label No. 159 used on Dials, Automatic, Dummy, No. 1


1932 - Documentation date

Typical examples of printing on labels No. 160


1939 - Documentation date



1952 - Documentation date

Typical examples of printing on labels No. 160
All characters in the top half of the label are printed in red ink and
all characters below and including the dividing line are in black ink.



1966 - Documentation date

The dark, upper, part of the Label No. 386 is grey.



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Last revised: September 04, 2021